Friday, August 9, 2013

Things to do next week

Starting next week, G and B will be back at school and E will stay at home with me. Her school is closed in order to prepare for the following week to start the school year which is also the same as G's school. G's mom just moved and he will be at a new school this year, just so you know. 4 kids in four different schools. Again. We had a good run for 2 years. B and E were in the same school one year and then B and G were together last year. You want to know what's the hardest thing about having 4 kids? Keeping up with their studies. Oh, and giving each of them undivided attention. They all have something they want to say (side note). 
So next week, while 2 of them are back at school, I'll be at home with the week off from work and will try my best to unwind and run out of things to do. My goal is to be bored. If I'm bored then that means I will be relaxed. If I'm relaxed then that means that my vacation time was time spent well. I foresee me switching gears to stay-at-home-mom mode. 5 days completely transformed from worrying about making software enhancement deadlines, conference calls, emails, and system upgrades to a whole week of mopping, organizing, scrubbing etc. Throw a small demanding child in there and viola, the week is gone. This all sounds familiar. I think I've spent my vacation time this way before...

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