Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'll have S'more Please!

These were our repli-s'mores. We saw a kiosk at the mall last week with fondue snacks and thought we could do it too. They weren't too pretty but they sure were tasty!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Last Day of School Tears

Today was the last day G and B will see their favorite teachers and friends. They are moving on to a new school next year and will miss their past and present teachers immensely. Farewell to F Elementary and adieu to all the teachers and staff at F that have been raising my children for most of the day, everyday over the last 4 years. We will miss you.

It was an emotional afternoon. Mrs. L, G teacher is leaving F too. She will be missed.

G and her D. (Miss D G's teacher)

G and her friends that tower over her. I know how this feels.

G and her best friend J (also the shyest child I've ever met)

Miss S, B teacher and G teacher 2 years ago.

B and her best bud A (to the right of B) and others.

Not pictured:
Mrs. M - Specific Learning Disabilities Teacher
Mrs. R - G's first grade teacher the first time around
Mrs. O - G and B first grade teacher