Thursday, November 21, 2013

Correction: Tonight = Business Plan

I'm not sure if I have yet written about my inability to pay attention to detail. 
The Business Plan business is tonight so I'm still looking forward to it. My Auntie has begun her search for the storefront as a Realtor for me so that's good because I have the hardest time trying to write down or dial a number on a For Lease sign while driving.

Good news, I've decided on a name for the studio. Just after I published my post yesterday, I got on to myself for making excuses and being indecisive on this name thing. So I decided to give it another go. I scoured the internet for clues, searching for similar businesses and stopped. There aren't many businesses that I could find on the web that are here in the US like the one I want to start but in the UK there are many. 

I backed away from the keyboard and I sat here, in this same spot, at the dining room table brainstorming...

Brainstorming question: "How did all this come about?"
My answer: "I needed space to do my thing. I need a bigger craft room... I need a Craft Room!"

I checked on the domain availability and purchased it right away. I'll file the name on the state of FL businesses registration site on Friday as:

The Craft Room Cafe
and the site is

Don't try to go there. There's nothing there. Yet.

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