Monday, October 21, 2013

How can I code when I long to sew?

I was awake at 4:30 when a special tiny girl came running into my room and nuzzled up with my right arm. It was completely dark so I only imagined how tiny her hands and arms were wrapped around my bigger, but lets face it, not so very big arm itself. The sweetness wore off when the clock was rounding 5 and I was unable to fall back asleep. I realized how uncomfortable things were in our full size bed - left over from my 700 sqft apartment before we were married. A larger, new bed would be nice but not a necessity so I'll just get up and face the day now.

I grabbed the newspaper from my lawn and a lovely cup of coffee just the way I like it and began to read about ObamaCare and captured escapee's who were released from a life sentence in prison based on a forged document. I linked the two stories to "trouble with technology" (an issue I'm very familiar with) and I quickly lost interest. I then turned to my laptop to try to forget about programming and digital signing and encryption, storing documents, insurance, Obama...

I opened a few of my favorite blogs to see what others have been doing while I've been stuck at my machine insanely trying to get two types of programming languages to behave for 15 hours of my weekend. Beautiful wool coats and red pleated knit dresses. I started to get a bit envious had to stop. I didn't create a  single a thing this weekend, well, except for creative cooking which only happens when I can't find the time to get groceries. W loves it but the kids merely accept it. What choice do they have?

Things I wish I spent my time on:
A wool pencil skirt. I've had a yard of lightly woven woolish fabric from the Bargain Bin for over a year. It's winter white with asparagus green plaid strands and maybe a thin line of lemon yellow. I haven't pulled it out in a while so my memory may be playing tricks on me but this is a wish anyway so who cares.  An easy long pencil skirt with a small slit in the back would be lovely. 

Finish E's baby blanket enlargement project. Since she's getting a new bed for her B-day, I wanted the quilt I made for her to grow with her so she and I picked out fabric, several weeks ago, to extend the four edges making it more of a throw. I'm about 65% through this project and I only have a week left.

Start E's Teenage-Mutant Ninja Turtle tiered ruffled dress. It is supposed to be a B-day present too.

Instead of creating these wonderful things I spent the whole weekend sitting in a chair pressing the "run" (debug) button to step through code, hitting a wall where the application would crash, tweaking the code a little bit to handle the new scenario and then start over hoping that I would get a little bit farther into the program to find the next wall to handle. I'm definitely burning out with work and my sewing desire is growing. I know that the one cannot live without the other. I need one programming to survive and the other to cope.

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