Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vintage Lingerie Patterns are Romantic

Okay not vintage lingerie, that's gross, but patterns, that's awesome. I found another inspirational site today at a woman named Anna Depew's shop on Etsy. 

She has a website as well and a blog: where the first entry I read opened my eyes to darts-made-easy. I wondered about this and without and technical training I would have never known.

I'm just gaga over the talent people possess in ways I've never dreamed of. The idea of slipping on an article of clothing that was trendy in an era that I didn't not experience is so romantic to me. I am such a sucker for nostalgic. Is this a learned behavior or innate?

My mom and dad both love vintage. My mom has her thing for pottery, accessories and furniture. She recently purchased a lovely vintage crocheted collar and can spot a McCoy from across the room. My dad supplemented his income in the 80's and 90's during the recession by refinishing antique furniture. His romantic draw to the design and quality lead him to re-create several pieces and either sold them or kept them. He also just purchased an 1890's - 1910 era shot gun that he's refinishing. I begged him not to try to shoot it. He said he wouldn't because he would have to use a special type of gun powder or something or it would blowup in his face if he did. AHHHHHHHH!

So my point is, did I learn this from them or is it in the genes? Both my mom and dad love to "make" things. That must be a gene I was lucky enough to receive and I'll be doing a little shopping on the above Etsy site over the next couple of days I presume.

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