Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cafe Kindle

I have a small burning desire to unleash the cafe dream planner again. I have been suppressing this because of what others were saying and how it could jeopardize my job. I'm beginning to think that maybe Jon Acuff, in his book Start, describes these kind of comments in the chapter "Mastering". He says that we need to, "...draw a clear distinction between hate and constructive criticism."

He also says that "Hate is an anchor. Constructive criticism is a gift."
I trust my source of the rumor and believe that her relay of information to me was constructive but I also believe that the rumor started from another source that may have been driven by hate. I cannot let this slow me down. Hate is unfair and nasty. It also makes things up that are untrue. 

Jon goes as far as creating an equation that I can relate to:
1 insult + 1,000 compliments = 1 insult

As a logical problem solver I can clearly see the issue here and I have learned two lessons. I'm taking the criticism into account and disregarding the nasty part.

Thanks Jon and thanks Source.

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