Monday, March 3, 2014

Meet the Packsmans

Our oldest daughter is in a marketing class this year as a freshmen and we are already seeing her power of persuasiveness increase. She delivered a Power Point presentation to us (the parental units) in January that was very compelling. Her objective was a family pet. There were delicately placed daisies an a soft yellow background symbolizing the warmth of the summer sun. Although, the presentation was more focused on a guinea pig, we gave in to a family dog instead. 


A 1 year old rescued mixed Airedale terrier of sorts. He stands about knee high and has been reeking havoc for the last couple of weeks. He's a wild animal but as soft and gentle as a lamb. His beard is always wet but it is a baby beard and is short. He isn't quite house broken but is well on his way. We started training last Saturday and we want everyone in the house to be on the same page when it comes to discipline and praise so 6 of us went. Chaos happened as usual. W kept leaving the training area to answer the mechanics call since we dropped our van off earlier in the day to get the A/C repaired (the Florida heat is on its way and I was getting desperate). Max wanted to sniff everything. My mom took E to do some shopping but not until we were all settled. See, my mom had to give us a ride since we couldn't all fit in the truck. The instructor spoke quickly and there were 7 dogs total which was apparently a large class. Bringing everyone backfired because I think we caused too many distractions and gave him too many treats. He didn't make it out of PetSmart before he vomited a little.

Puppy training isn't the only thing I'm going to complain about this morning... the chewing, the biting, the growling, the sand, sand, SAND in the house. Things are getting better though. He does settle down to cuddle and he is pretty good at playing fetch. I think we are nipping the biting in the butt finally by putting him in the laundry room for a timeout and separating him from his pack. He is the 7th member of our family and we are officially out of seats in the mini van. We are the Packsmans.

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