As the week grew older my stress level rose higher. I couldn't sleep last night because of work stuff. I actually just logged off and told myself to STOP working just now because its Saturday damn it!
Some days humble you. I had a third-party team of web-designers and my clients' VP of Marketing, show my development team up yesterday because they are the client and we do not contest what they say. We have to say 'yes' while they say, "I told you so." Its painful to be the team leader and have to take it like that. I'm trying to reflect and see where I could have done something different to maintain control. I think we just had two very different expectations on either side that should have been clarified in the beginning. I cannot allow myself to be so consumed by any 1 task that it may impair my view of other tasks. I HAVE to keep juggling projects. On one hand, my ADHD like symptoms are a curse and on the other hand, they are a blessing.
My take away is, to identify red flags and act on them immediately. I cannot trust that we will figure things out later when we are not busy. Lesson learned but problem not solved.
I just sent my vision of completing the impossible to my team. We are at the beginning of a very important project with very strict deadlines and we have been waiting for a third party design team to hand the project off to our integration team. It turns out, all we will get from the design team are some pretty Photoshop pictures of a website and a document, that we didn't know existed until yesterday, that tells us what the site should do. They said, "Why did you think you would get anything else?" They also said that the 72 page functional document has been available for 2 weeks and we should have dug it up. Oh I don't know why I'm panicking... they used up 7 weeks of our 12 week total time to write a fully functional web based application. No need for alarm.
My Development Team is very talented and so understanding of the situation. They are willing to pull together Monday morning. Some of them are reviewing the documentation this weekend to get started. I'm going to attempt to relax this weekend and trust that we can complete most, if not all, of the impossible because I don't always have to lead as a leader. Sometimes the team leads.
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