Friday, August 16, 2013

Planning MY Back-To-School

I'm searching the catalog at Seminole State College to find the one class I want to take first. I have an idea of what I'm looking for but I'll have to call the Admissions dept. to make sure my transcripts were received. It will also serve me well to talk to a counselor. At this point, I am not degree seeking. I'm interested in management and updating/fine-tuning technical skills. So I believe Credited Certificates are what I'm looking for to couple with my technical degree. 

In a nutshell, I really like working with clients the way an analyst does. This involves gathering business requirements, building relationships and setting expectations. I also like to be part of the project/resource management, technical writing, engineering (rolling up my sleeves and developing a quality product), delivery, and maintenance of software products. This is actually the cradle-to-grave process of software development which is what I've been doing for the last 3 1/2 years and coding for several years before that. But this is not enough, I want to be FABULOUS at in the areas already mentioned in addition to learning more about management. 

I'm currently managing 6 members of an IT team - 7 if you count me, and I'm kind of a "as long as you're busy then everything is OK" manager. I want to be able to give more direction in a timely manner. More hands-on and professional in delivery of direction. I need to be pro-active in identifying weak areas before the "S" hits the fan. And as everyone knows, this does happen. When it does, IT is not your friend. I need to know how to handle individual team members crisis', whether it be work related or personal. Unfortunately, I'm afraid some of these skills are only gained by experience.  For the ones that aren't, I'm going to study them.

Don't get me wrong, I will eventually earn a degree. ADHD afflicted persons have to set small goals, lots of them, and pick them off as quickly as possible or they will lose momentum. Hence the reason I MUST speak to a counselor to make sure the C.C. program is inline with courses needed to earn a degree. If I line up 2 or 3 of these programs then they should = 1 B.S. with my existing A.S credits. 

I realize now that I will be the student that "gets it" in the courses I plan to take. I remember back when I first started studying object oriented programming and I found it to be very abstract in concept. Others seemed to take to it like ducks to water and I was very concerned that I was never going to make it. Those students were already working in the field and looking to hone their skills. I'm not speculating on this. They said so. Now that student could be me. I'm hoping to learn but not struggle through courses. There's only 1 problem with this plan...

Finding time to craft.

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