Most will say, "That will never happen to me." But it can and I'm here to say that I have been in a terrible relationship with my bank for many years and I'm not even sure when it all started. All I know is that I stayed because I needed it. I stayed because it was convenient. I put up with their controlling ways because I didn't think I had any where else to go.
After buying the house and finally building up the courage, we opened a couple of accounts with different bank. Transitioning has been tricky though. Waiting for debit cards, direct deposits, auto drafts, and checks has proven to be the reason we just didn't want to let go but there is hope I tell you. We are about half way through the transition and it feels good to say good bye.
BOFA, this is good bye. You knew it was coming and you didn't make this easy for either of us. I cannot say that I will miss you nor can I say that I won't. I can say that it was what it was and this is a new chapter for me and you will find someone else to control. Good luck.