Trick-Or-Treating just doesn't have any luster anymore. There were less than a 20 kids out in our neighborhood last night. 50% of that number were between the ages of 12 and 17. We put a bowl yummy treats out in front of our door while we walked the block and many people participated in the delivery of the candy but there just weren't enough kids walking door to door to call it an event. We had one child knock on our door around 9:00 PM and that was it.
The whole holiday has morphed into more of a reason for adults to throw parties than it is for kids to Trick-Or-Treat. Adults can have parties anytime of the year. We don't have to wait for a particular week out of the year to plan a costume party. Kids too. Have a random costume party in June. That would be so much fun. You wouldn't blow a bunch of money at a pricey seasonal store. You would be more resourceful. You'd find things around the house to piece together or shop around for a signature piece. I'm thinking we take this used up Holiday that marketing and the local news has destroyed and spread it around a little. Make it last. Oct. 31st 2013 seemed anti-climactic and I hate that.
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