Yesterday, driving was quite a challenge. Not because of traffic but because it is impossible to read 10 digits off of a sign on a door from the street every 100 ft or so. Some commercial properties have large signs when they are managed by a larger company so I memorize those and try calling when I think about it but they have bankers hours or they NEVER return your call. Yeah, I want a property manager like that. There are so many store-fronts available within a mile of my house its crazy.
Our area has been labeled as an "industrial" type area but if you travel a little farther past the Electric Company Headquarters and the Dog Track you will start to find a lot of small businesses and a lot of empty buildings. By opening a store a really feel like I will be doing my community a favor even if the studio is never successful it will be one less opportunity for a liquor store to go up.
There are actually several possibilities right in front of the High School. This got me thinking...
Maybe High Schooler's are a targeted market for me too! In my mind, I see many types of people popping into a studio/gallery because they can't help be see what they might be missing. Put a couple of easels in there for open painting or show case a student's art every month! I'm naive and overly optimistic, I know, but as Miley says, "We won't stop". If I get 1 member out of all of this studio non-sense, then I will consider it a success and I not going to count my mom, or sister.
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